The idea
Even day-to-day life is an adventure for this very tall 30-something suburban working mama-wife-daughter-sister-friend. Here you'll find my musings (ramblings?) on current events, trends, entertainment, and social goings-on. Whew…how’s that for a broad canvas?
Basically, when it pops into my head, I’ll write about it. And I hope you’ll respond. I’m new to blogging, but I’m pretty sure the whole point is to have a truly interactive writing experience, so please interact! You can subscribe to the adventures, too, which will tell you whenever I've posted something new. (Oh, and read more about me, if you’re curious, by clicking the link to the bottom of the page.)
I have been 6’2” since about age 13, and my height has presented me with, well, let’s say challenges – as well as some excellent opportunities. I have often been asked “How’s the air up there?” by shorter, less witty folks. And my answer always has been, “Much, much clearer.” I hope to share some of that clear air with you, dear reader.
This is a work in progress, so please stick with me as I fine tune my purpose and content. And let me know if there's anything you'd be interested in reading about, or if there are ways I could make this blog more engaging, exciting, entertaining…purple.
Happy reading!
PS -- I've shown you mine, now you show me yours – send me your URL so I can read up. Thanks!
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